Enemies Within

I’ve had a heavy heart over the past several months, and I’ve felt compelled to speak out hoping that my words will accomplish what they’re intended to accomplish. And I know that they won’t return void.

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:11 (KJV)


For those not familiar with Corrie Ten Boom, she was a child born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1892. Her father, Casper Ten Boom, was a watch maker who owned a shop and a place where he and his family lived.

For those not familiar with Corrie Ten Boom, she was a child born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1892. Her father, Casper Ten Boom, was a watch maker who owned a shop and a place where he and his family lived.

In 1844, Corrie’s grandfather started a meeting dedicated to praying for Jewish people. In 1944, 100 years later, Corrie and her family were arrested for their part in saving Jewish lives in WWII, where they provided a “hiding place” in a secret room in their home.

One day, while Corrie was riding on a train with her father, she asked him, “Father, what is sex sin?” He turned and looked at her, as he always did when answering a question, but to her surprise, he said nothing. At last, he stood up, and lifted his traveling case off the floor. “Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?” he said. Corrie stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.

“It’s too heavy,” she said.

“Yes,” he said, “and it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It’s the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now, you must trust me to carry it for you.” – (The Hiding Place: The Triumphant True Story of Corrie Ten Boom)

Corrie Ten Boom was sent to a concentration camp with her sisters during Hitler’s reign and sent thousands of Jews to their deaths. Her family members died while she managed to live and tell her story. She later died at the age of 85 in Placentia, California.

(You can read her story and tour her house and her father’s shop HERE)

Our country is being destroyed by a lawless society right before our eyes. Our public schools have been overtaken by socialists and communists within our government. Our schools were allowed to take God out and then replaced Him with sinful and immoral acts. They have propagandized our children and their parents, teaching our children things that they too young to see or hear, or bear–things that no child should be subjected to. Some parents take their children to drag shows and watch drag queens perform in front of their faces, while other drag queens have been allowed inside our children’s schools to listen to these drag queens’ smutty stories.

Is this what we want our children to be subjected to?

It is child abuse to subject our children to this lewd behavior.

We need more parents speaking out against this behavior of abuse. Our children need to be protected from this sinful behavior going on in the LGBTQ crowd and bringing it into our schools. And to make things worse, there are teachers and board members who are allowing it.

Not sure if you’ve seen any of the videos going around of teachers who spew hate, make anti-Christian remarks, and endorse transgenderism and the gay and lesbian lifestyles; things that no child should have to endure; it will only lead our children down a road to destruction and sinful behaviors causing many to be damaged for life.

Our children are being sacrificed for sinful acts, and it is my prayer that more speak out. Children must be shielded from the harmful effects of this world because children are vulnerable. But children need heroes. Children need our protection. They need parents who will fight for them in all aspects of their life.

Who will save them? They need guidance. They need those who will lead them in the right direction, teach them right from wrong, instill Christian values in order to help them become independent and successful adults whose desire it is to serve God and reach out to others and help them along the way.

Only this kind of lifestyle brings peace and joy.

Praying for all of our children, teachers, school board members, and faculty.

God bless you all.

About Debbie Erickson

As I travel down the road on my journey, God is the wind beneath my wings, and Jesus is the Rock of my salvation.
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6 Responses to Enemies Within

  1. denisegravesb342367d43 says:

    Hi Deb. What a powerful message. We live in troubled, godless times, and only Jesus can bring peace, salvation, freedom from their bondage, and redemption. I pray for these young souls and those trying to destroy their souls and future, all in the name of diversity. -Denise

    On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM He Holds Our Future – Team Jesus – Seeking Truth

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  2. wow what a great connection you made to Corrie Ten Boom’s Hiding Place here. I couldn’t agree more with your message. I am 26 now and I’ve seen this progress rapidly in my lifetime. I remember being in middle school and watching Ru Pauls Drag Race on TV at a friends house with the entire family- parents and all – as if it were just another fashion show. Now my younger siblings are subjected to EVEN WORSE [and false] content in schools. Thankfully I discovered Gods Word and have been able to share it with them. I was destroyed for my lack of knowledge but am being renewed now in Christ. Bless you, your family and your writing!

    Liked by 1 person

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